Porn Tube Review
Yes.XXX is up for review on ePornHD and this is the kind of site that makes you love porn. I know you should say “No” to drugs, alcohol, smoking and many other habits that could be bad for your health, but I think you should say “Yes” to porn, and what better way to say that then through becoming a fan of the Yes.XXX free porn tube. On this site you will find a large collection of both professional and amateur porn that can be streamed online without any fees or registration. You can simply enter the site and start watching as many xxx movies as possible. The collection comes on a simple site and there are no claims of virus infection or any malware caused by watching porn on Yes.XXX. If you want to learn more about this site, just keep on reading the following paragraphs of our review.
Lots of Porn, Lots of Categories
The free Yes.XXX porn collection is a great source for any man who wants a bit of adult fun, no matter what kinks work the best for him. This large collection of this site is organized into almost 200 categories. The categories are based on the most popular sex dreams and desires of men from all around the world. Most of the porn on this site is a bit old and it doesn’t come in HD. However, in the last years Yes.XXX started to upload lots of 740p and 1080p porn videos. There is no video counter on this site, but from my estimation i would say that the Yes.XXX collection is featuring more than 22,000 free videos, most of which are between 10 and 20 minutes long. There are also short clips of under a minute, and long movies of over 80 minutes. Yes.XXX is still very active and brings new movies multiple times a day.The Yes.XXX Interface
Yes.XXX has been around for some time, but the site didn’t get any major updates. It has a clean and simple design that only features useful navigational elements. This simplify makes it easy to use by anyone, so Yes.XXX can be a great choice for someone who is not a tech savvy or has no experience in using the computer. The browsing of the collection goes relatively easy, as the site offers a search bar, properlly tagged videos that come with text descriptions, and, as mentioned before, an extended list of almost 200 categories. The site doesn’t offer the possibility to comment on the videos or to save them in a favorites list, and the rating system is also missing. The videos can be streamed online through a Flash player. This player will let you choose the streaming quality and skip through the action without waiting for the entire video to load. Yes.XXX is not aggressive when it comes to advertisement. As all the porn on Yes.XXX is free, the site has to survive on something, so they placed advertisement banners in the footer of the site and on the right side of the streaming page. There’s nothing intrusive about then, so your user experience won’t be affected by the Yes.XXX advertising campaigns.Yes.XXX Review Conclusion
If you’re nostalgic for the time when the porn sites were only about porn, Yes.XXX is a great choice for you. This site offers some great porn and it focuses on making sure that you can stream it properly. After all, that’s the whole point of a free porn tube. For most people, comments, ratings and the forums on porn sites are just a waste of time. So if you want a site where you can simply watch some good quality porn, Yes.XXX is one of the ePornHD recommendations.To view all videos, click here.